Hive Carbon - Gaming Library
    Hive Carbon - Gaming Library
Hive Carbon - Gaming Library
Hive Carbon - Gaming Library
    Hive Carbon - Gaming Library
Hive Carbon - Gaming Library

About The Item

The Game Description

Hive is a highly addictive strategic game for two players that is not restricted by a board and can be played anywhere on any flat surface. The base game of Hive is made up of twenty two pieces, eleven black and eleven white, resembling a variety of creatures each with a unique way of moving. 

Hive Carbon and Hive Pocket include the Mosquito and Ladybug expansions, for a total of 26 pieces.

The Game Description

Hive is a highly addictive strategic game for two players that is not restricted by a board and can be played anywhere on any flat surface. The base game of Hive is made up of twenty two pieces, eleven black and eleven white, resembling a variety of creatures each with a unique way of moving. 

Hive Carbon and Hive Pocket include the Mosquito and Ladybug expansions, for a total of 26 pieces.

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Hive Carbon

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