All aBoard: Free Game Day+Christmas Party
The event is a gathering for the board game community and serves as an entry point to all who are interested to try out the hobby. The games are suitable for all ages and is a great way for families and friends to bond together. Coaches will be present to teach the games so that participants do not need to prepare anything to play the games.
Secret Santa
Terms and Conditions
To particpate in the Secret Santa you must agree to the following terms and conditions:
1.) First and foremost, Secret Santa is all about the giving. Getting is fun too, but be prepared for the possibility that the person who is sending you a gift may disappoint you. Most people do a good job, but there are always going to be a handful of unfortunate situations that come up.
If you sign up for Secret Santa treat it as a responsibility and make it a priority. Those who sign-up but don't send gifts will face the possibility of privileges being suspended as a result.
2.) Registration is only available during All aBoard (November 22, 2014). Please take note that upon signing up, you cannot back out of the agreement. If you are having second thoughts, take your time and think if you can really commit to giving.
3.) Keep your wishlist (NOT want list) of games updated. The expectation is that your Santa will send a new game from your wishlist. Please have at least twenty currently available games on your list, and try to have most of them fall within a reasonable price range. If you have a small, expensive, or difficult-to-fulfill wishlist then don't be surprised if you get something that isn't on your list. The more you have on your list the easier it is for your Secret Santa to find something for you.
4.) When it comes to sending, the expectation is that you will buy a new game from your target's wishlist. The total cost of the games you send (including shipping) should be at least Php 1,000.00. The game is not required to be bought from Gaming Library.
There is no problem, of course, with going above and beyond - sending two, three, or even more games. The generous Santas are the best remembered! And you can make it truly special if you can personalize the gift somehow.
New this year - to help speed up the process for when participants do not receive their gifts, ALL participants must provide proof of purchase and/or shipment. A special email address will be provided when targets are assigned. This should only add a minute or two to what you need to do, but will help speed up the process of resolving complaints considerably.
5.) Anyone is welcome to join. As such, recognize that you very well may be given a target from another, so be prepared to factor shipping and/or delays into your gift.
6.) Most importantly, have fun! This is supposed to be an enriching activity - not a stressful one. This is the first Secret Santa from Gaming Library and we hope that our success will pave the way for future exchanges.
Mechanic Source: Board Game Geek Secret Santa @
Mechanic was adapted from BGG as they have done this before internationally and have come away with great success.